
09:00 – 10:00
Registration and welcome refreshments
10:00 – 10:10

Your IGD host, Chris Hayward, will open the day with his view on the evolving world of account management and why building collaborative relationships is so important for sustainable growth.

Chris Hayward, Director of Sales, IGD

Chris Hayward
Director of Sales, IGD

10:10 – 10:30
IGD market context

Rhian Thomas, Head of UK Insight, is delivering IGD’s summary of the marketplace you are operating in. She will share her view of the factors driving the tactical and strategic challenges you face along with the shopper responses creating change.

Rhian Thomas, Head of UK Insight, IGD

Rhian Thomas
Head of UK Insight, IGD

10:30 – 10:50
A retailer’s perspective

As we look to support you in creating truly collaborative business plans, we hear from David Beardmore, Category Director for Impulse at Tesco on what true collaboration looks like and the results created by trading team and supplier account teams working to bring all the key ingredients together.

David Beardmore, Impulse Director, Tesco

David Beardmore
Impulse Director, Tesco

10:50 –11:10
A brand perspective

IGD will be inviting a leading manufacturer to share their key learning and challenges.

11:10 –11:40
Refreshment break
11:40 – 12:00
Unified commerce

This session will be delivered by Simon Miles, expert in omni-channel retailing, Founder and CEO at Lighthouse Academy, and formerly at Coca Cola. Simon will explore the reality of trading in a global multi-channel environment and all the challenges that presents to building collaborative relationships with your retail partners.

Simon Miles, Founder and CEO, Lighthouse Advisory

Simon Miles
Founder and CEO, Lighthouse Advisory

12:00 – 12:20
Redefining Roles: Unlocking the Power of Retail Media Networks

Retail media is the fastest growing media channel globally and shows no signs of slowing down soon. To unlock maximum value from this evolving opportunity, brands and retailers must navigate a new relationship dynamic, where the traditional supplier-client roles reverse. Dean will share Co-op’s experience of collaborating in this new combined world of commerce and media.

Dean Harris, Head of Co-op Media Network

Dean Harris
Head of Co-op Media Network

12:20 – 12:40
The power of one more

Have you ever wanted to know the keys to success to influence shoppers along the path to purchase, from before the visit, to being in-store? Retail expert, Bryan Roberts, will be sharing exclusive IGD research that identifies the seven opportunities for retailers and suppliers to influence shoppers and improve their value and volume sales growth.

Bryan Roberts, Retail Futures Senior Partner, IGD

Bryan Roberts
Retail Futures Senior Partner, IGD

12:40 – 13:40
Lunch and networking
13:40 – 15:30
Afternoon breakouts (to include a 15-minute refreshment break between breakouts)

Choose from four channel specific breakout sessions led by our IGD experts in conjunction with some of the biggest names in Retail. Join an intimate Q&A with retail specialists who will answer your questions on what great planning looks like in their channel.

Big shops supported by Tesco

David Beardmore, Impulse Director, Tesco

David Beardmore
Impulse Director, Tesco

Nick Miles, Head of Global Insight, IGD

Nick Miles
Head of Global Insight, IGD

Discounters supported by Matthew Nobbs

Matthew Nobbs, Executive Grocery and Discounter Expert

Matthew Nobbs
Executive Grocery and Discounter Expert

Dan Butler, Senior Insight Analyst, IGD

Dan Butler
Senior Insight Analyst, IGD

Convenience supported by SPAR

Trudy Hills, Trading Director for Impulse and Grocery, SPAR UK

Trudy Hills
Trading Director for Impulse and Grocery, SPAR UK

Patrick Mitchell-Fox, Insight Partner, IGD

Patrick Mitchell-Fox
Insight Partner, IGD

Online supported by Ocado

Amit Chitnis, Chief Commercial Officer, Ocado

Amit Chitnis
Chief Commercial Officer, Ocado

Michaela Jay, Insight Manager, IGD

Michaela Jay
Insight Manager, IGD

15:30 – 15:50
Framework to succeed

And finally, we will bring to stage a new leading-edge solution for creating joint business partnerships with retailers that IGD experts are piloting to include case studies from leading manufacturers that will be ready for you to takeaway and apply to the benefit of your business.

David Warren, Director of Consulting, IGD

David Warren
Director of Consulting, IGD

15:50 – 16:00
Closing remarks and takeaways

Your Host, Chris Hayward, will provide some key takeaways from the day for you to share and implement when you return to your business.